I intend to use similar 24GHz Wavelab transverter and additional power supply, controller, 2nd FI converter.
For your information I will share my design for Alcatel 9500 – 11GHz radio link. The concept was not tested yet because I’m still far away from home. I hope you will find it interesting.
I intend to use similar 24GHz Wavelab transverter and additional power supply, controller, 2nd FI converter.
For your information I will share my design for Alcatel 9500 – 11GHz radio link. The concept was not tested yet because I’m still far away from home. I hope you will find it interesting.
Best regards, Robert
Thank you Robert for providing the 10GHz trv project based on the Alcatel module.
73 Marek SP4ELF
P.S. Z informacji jakie otrzymałem od Roberta po sprawdzeniu poprawności pcb i sterowania będzie udostępniona pełna dokumentacja modułów i softu .Pcb maja rozmiar 10x10 cm .Moduł sterownika będzie posiadał : możliwość konfiguracji IF 144/430 MHz ,wybór USB/LSB , filtrowanie sygnału za pomocą filtrów SAW, zabezpieczenie zasilaczy, zabezpieczenie PA TX, blokada ujemnego napięcia polaryzacji, diagnostyka przez uC, monitorowanie wyjścia RF, napięcie akumulatora, temperaturę wewnętrzną itd .
06-04-2021, 00:29 (Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 16-12-2021, 21:46 przez admin.)
Dzięki Czesiek!
W opisie u innego kolegi na aukcji ebay (nie znam znaku) jest lista linków do pdfów i krótki opis. Warto żeby nie zginął gdy sprzedaż się zakończy.
During measurements, it turned out that for IF = 1368 MHz and LO = 9000 MHz (2250x4) the module did not work properly.
I did my own reverse engineering - I started by determining the IF frequency of the RX and TX paths based on the filters on IF/PLL board: RX IF is approximately 2840 to 2970 MHz, while TX IF 2525 to 2600 MHz.
The LO filters on the TRX board have a pass band of around 7500-8000 MHz and the frequency of 9000 MHz is already suppressed.
The solution is to take IF = 2320 MHz. In this case, the final LO frequency should be 8048 MHz (10368-2320 = 8048). As the LO path in this module includes a multiplier and several amplifiers, it is possible to provide a signal to the LO input socket of any these frequencies: 2012, 2682.6666 or 4024 MHz, at the level from -3 to +7 dBm.
During the tests, 2012 MHz was used.
Additionally, ON7FI's description of the socket IDC20 is incomplete.
Completed socket description will be sent together with the module.
Measurement results (LO=2012 MHz, 0 dBm):
RX gain: 15 dB
TX output power: P-1dB 640 mW (TX IF -12 dBm), P-3dB 860 mW (TX IF -8 dBm), Psat 1000 mW (TX IF -6 dBm).
The module consists of two boards: TRX board and PLL/IF board.
04-05-2021, 20:26 (Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 16-12-2021, 21:44 przez admin.)
It could be helpful if you could post here the completed socket description as we have already bought the module.
Thank you
73's de Michael ON7KGK
I just started to reverse engineering entire VS2 10GHz module. Please see my pinout found until now. More work is necessary but i'm not far away.
The Rx chain is a triple heterodine FI 2906/326.4/70MHz.
Also the Alcatel 10GHz schematic was updated:
VS2 10GHz transverter - power supply & control connector IDC20. Tested OK.
For future I intend to replace internal ERICSSON step-down SMPS by external +7.2V. In this way 48V requirement can be eliminated, more easy way for 12V portable.
Negative voltage -5V is internal generated by U27 LM2664.
For me was interesting to find VS2 close loop control of PA @ Iq ~0.75A. Similar bias circuit found inside of "AVIAT STRATEX HARRIS ODU 300" or "ALCATEL 9500MPR".
Iq is very stable vs temperature. I will test IMD performance with/without automatic bias control, for same Iq.
(14-05-2021, 18:20)YO4HFU napisał(a): VS2 10GHz transverter - power supply & control connector IDC20. Tested OK.
For future I intend to replace internal ERICSSON step-down SMPS by external +7.2V. In this way 48V requirement can be eliminated, more easy way for 12V portable.
Negative voltage -5V is internal generated by U27 LM2664.
A 7.2 V supply can be made using a LM350 regulator using a 2k2 multi turn pot( 1856.3999999999999 Ohms Calculated ) and a 390 Ohm resistor.
Just been sent an offer to purchase on ebay which I am considering but crazy postage cost from Poland.
15-06-2021, 15:33 (Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 15-06-2021, 15:42 przez G4XAT.)
Hi, apologies this isn't in Polish ...
I have one of these modules which I want to use for 10GHz DATV TX.
My RX will be provided by a Bullseye LNB which is also stable enough for narrow band work.
I'm a little confused as to what the actual frequency of the DDS LO should be. The Pluto can be anywhere of course but I have read above "... while the TX IF 2525 to 2600 MHz".
So output on 10.370GHz - 2537MHz (Pluto TX) = 7833MHz, divided by 3 for TX LO = 2611MHz.
I think I have this correct ......
C.ould I also ask - some of the diagrams show -48V and + 48V. Is this correct? ie NOT 0V and +48 ??
15-06-2021, 18:58 (Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 16-12-2021, 21:50 przez admin.)
Mam jeden z tych modułów, którego chcę użyć do 10GHz DATV TX. Mój RX zostanie dostarczony przez konwerter Bullseye, który jest również wystarczająco stabilny do pracy w wąskim paśmie. Jestem trochę zdezorientowany, jaka powinna być rzeczywista częstotliwość DDS LO. Oczywiście Pluto może być wszędzie, ale przeczytałem powyżej "... podczas gdy TX IF 2525 do 2600 MHz". Tak więc wyjście na 10.370GHz - 2537MHz (Pluto TX) = 7833MHz, podzielone przez 3 dla TX LO = 2611 MHz. Myślę, że mam to poprawne ...... Mógłbym też prosić - niektóre schematy pokazują -48V i +48V. Czy to jest poprawne? czyli NIE 0V i +48 ?? Pluto z oprogramowaniem BATC Langstone jest potężnym narzędziem, nie ma potrzeby konwertowania do konwencjonalnych pasm amatorskich po stronie odbiorczej. Przeczytaj o tym tutaj ... i tutaj
15-06-2021, 19:42 (Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 15-06-2021, 19:49 przez SP4ELF.)
Hello Gareth
The power supply of the module is 48V. The designation "- 48V" = 0V out of habit is entered as a minus. I use Langstone trx for QO100 and tests for 10GHz and 24 GHz trx.
19-08-2021, 19:08 (Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 16-12-2021, 21:53 przez admin.)
Hi all
Did someone reversed engeneerd the Main RF components on PLL/IF board: ???
Dzięki Czesiek!
W opisie u innego kolegi na aukcji ebay (nie znam znaku) jest lista linków do pdfów i krótki opis. Warto żeby nie zginął gdy sprzedaż się zakończy.
During measurements, it turned out that for IF = 1368 MHz and LO = 9000 MHz (2250x4) the module did not work properly.
I did my own reverse engineering - I started by determining the IF frequency of the RX and TX paths based on the filters on IF/PLL board: RX IF is approximately 2840 to 2970 MHz, while TX IF 2525 to 2600 MHz.
The LO filters on the TRX board have a pass band of around 7500-8000 MHz and the frequency of 9000 MHz is already suppressed.
The solution is to take IF = 2320 MHz. In this case, the final LO frequency should be 8048 MHz (10368-2320 = 8048). As the LO path in this module includes a multiplier and several amplifiers, it is possible to provide a signal to the LO input socket of any these frequencies: 2012, 2682.6666 or 4024 MHz, at the level from -3 to +7 dBm.
During the tests, 2012 MHz was used.
Additionally, ON7FI's description of the socket IDC20 is incomplete.
Completed socket description will be sent together with the module.
Measurement results (LO=2012 MHz, 0 dBm):
RX gain: 15 dB
TX output power: P-1dB 640 mW (TX IF -12 dBm), P-3dB 860 mW (TX IF -8 dBm), Psat 1000 mW (TX IF -6 dBm).
The module consists of two boards: TRX board and PLL/IF board.